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City of Royal Oak, MI

203 S Troy St, Royal Oak, MI, 48067, US

Memorial Day Parade Application

The Memorial Day Parade is May 26 in downtown Royal Oak. The parade steps off at 9:00 am on S Main St at Lincoln. All units must be in line by 8:30 a.m.


Type of Unit (Check All that Apply)

Does your unit have music?

If you have questions regarding this application, please call 248-246-3201.


In consideration of and as a condition of approval to participate in the Royal Oak Memorial Day Parade and/or Ceremony participant agrees as follows:

  • All Memorial Day Parade Participants must have a patriotic theme to their unit or float.
  • The Veterans Evemts Committee's decision regarding all entrants, their eligibility, participation and placement in the line-up is final.
  • Participants realize that if a violation of rules will result in immediate expulsion form parade.
  • Participants understand that no political advertising will be allowed.
  • Participants understand that flyers, candy or other items CANNOT be distributed on the parade route.
  • Elected/appointed officials are required to ride in or walk alongside a vehicle provided by the participant.
  • Elected/appointed officials participating in the parade must have signs on their vehicles identifying their name and office.

Authorized Signature

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